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A gift for all of you!


Hello fellow Jubba Users!


Today I want to share a Giftcode for the Jubba Shop with you. With the Code your Balance gets added $1. It is not much, but it can give you something BIG!

Head to the Shop -> *Click here*
and enter on the right Side the Vouchercode "JUBBA2024". 
Now you're able to redeem the Item "Gift Package" and get:

  • 20.000 Credits
  • 15.000 Duckets
  • 200 Diamonds
  • A free Badge


The Code and the gift Package will expire at the end of February 29th.

EDIT: I made the Code available again for an undefined time, grab it as long as its available. :)

I hope you enjoy this little gift. Have a great Day and I hope we see us in the Hotel.





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5 months ago